Thursday, December 11, 2008

Best Ways to Beat Holiday Stress

The holiday season is my favorite time of year. I love the traditions and the spirit of gratitude and service that abounds from everyone. With all the good the holidays have to offer, there can be a downside. More Stress!

Forbes came up with some good tips to reduce stress during the holidays. They include:

  • Stay debt free: avoid using credit cards to make purchases

  • Don't over indulge: be aware of what you are eating and stick to your exercise routine. This will help you avoid feelings of guilt

  • Be active: try to avoid sitting on the couch for hours watching football or holiday specials; go on walks, play board games, or just play outside!

  • Plan ahead: don't let the holidays sneak up on you. Give yourself plenty of time to get things done so you are not running around last minute.

  • Share responsibilities: enlist the help of others as you try to finish all of your holiday tasks. Don't think you have to do it all yourself.

  • Stay calm while traveling: give yourself extra time to deal with longer lines and possible delays

  • Time off: Plan ahead with work scheduling so you can get the time off wanted for holidays without worrying about your obligations at work

  • Give: Gain perspective by sharing our abundance with others

For more ideas on how to make your holidays full of cheer and less stress, click here.

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