Thursday, December 11, 2008


We did it! We made it to the end of the semester! Whoo hoo! Well...maybe not yet. We still have the dreaded finals week to face! I think every student recognizes the increase of stress during this time. An article published in BYU newspaper, The Daily Universe, explained how during this time of the semester, more students visit the Student Health Center with different health problems. Some of these are probably linked to the extra stress.

Some ideas that the article had were to make sure that you get enough sleep, don't skip meals, and don't give up time to exercise for more study time. Not only is exercising good for your overall health, it is also a good way to reduce stress. Getting only a few hours of sleep a night effects your ability to concentrate and really only worsens the stress.

Some other ideas that that I came up with include making a schedule and plan out your days ahead of time. Knowing what you want to study on what days helps to keep you focused and allows for better use of time. Also, avoid things that stress you out, and keep your environment stress free by keeping things organized. This way nothing can get lost and you don't have to spend hours looking for notes or books. Try to make your life as simple as possible. Another idea is to try to stay up to date in your classes. That way you won't have to cram the night before! And as always, don't forget to laugh!

So if you are feeling a little frazzled this week, stop and think of what things you can do to calm yourself down. You will stay healthier and there is a chance you might even do better on your tests! Good luck everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great tips! I'm definitely going to try them next week! Great presentation yesterday too! You were awesome!