Monday, December 1, 2008

Stress Levels are Rising!

A poll by the American Psychological Association found that people are reporting an increase in stress over the past 2 years, especially within the last 6 months. Among 2,500 participants, 81% said money was a significant cause of stress. Money and the economy are top concerns for people. This stress is very pervasive and effects almost all aspects of a person's life.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could just compartmentalize our lives? Only feel the stress from work when we are at work, home problems would just stay at home, worries about finance would only surface when we are balancing our check book. That way only one aspect of our lives would be affected by the stress we feel instead of having the stress from work follow us home at the end of the day.

I don't think it is really possible to keep everything separate because our lives are all encompassing and all of our experiences make up who we are. I do think that people need to be more aware of how they are dealing with their problems. I know that as a student I feel a lot of stress when deadlines are approaching and tests are coming up, and this stress effects how I interact with other people. I become easily frustrated with them and sometimes I'm not the nicest. As I've come to realize this it has helped me take more control of my emotions and to try a little harder not to take my frustrations about school out on other people because it doesn't help the situation that I am in. I really think that this strategy could really help lower people's stress levels.


Erin said...

Have you tried keeping a stress journal for a week? This helps you pin point your major stressors so you can effectively deal with them before they happen.

Kristen said...

I've read a lot of articles about how much mental health is affected by the economy. These are good tips to help people stay sane during these hard times!

Russ and Misty said...

I agree that school deadlines cause stress and I too take them out on others instead of school. I think that if we realize what we are doing and try to focus our stress on completing our assignments we will be less stressed.

tallyspank said...

That's a great idea Erin! That's all I'm hearing about is stress and the economy...stress and money problems. Great tips!

Anonymous said...

81% of those surveyed felt stressed over money?! Glad to know I'm not alone!

Glo said...

I like this idea of stress relief and being aware of how i deal with stress, i am going to keep this in mind for finals!